How To Subpoena Records From Google from Outside of California
There are many reasons one might have to subpoena records from Google. It is critical to understand that if one wants to subpoena records from Google in a non-federal case that is outside of California, the subpoena must first be domesticated so it is enforceable under California law.
Per Google:
Google LLC accepts civil requests for user data (including subpoenas and court orders) issued from the Santa Clara Superior Court, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, or out of state legal process properly domesticated through a California court. You can serve Google LLC with the civil request through the appropriate office of Google LLC’s registered service agent, Corporation Service Company (or “CSC”).
The CSC office in California is located at the following address:
Corporation Service Company
2710 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 150N
Sacramento, CA 95833
Also, per Google:
Requests must specifically name the product/service and identify the accounts by email address or other appropriate unique identifier.
There are two ways to domesticate an out of state subpoena in California so that Google will accept it. Usually, the quickest way involves hiring a law firm like ours to guide you through the process. Click here for more information on how to domesticate an out of state subpoena so that it is enforceable in California.
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